Thursday, 31 March 2011

Sarah Sanders, local resident tells us her experience of the night.

I first got wind something was up while I was walking home from West Finchley station. I could hear a helicopter hovering over a house. It seemed to be in our street. When I turned the corner, there was a car and a black van blocking the road, both with policemen inside, blocking the street. They wouldn’t let me pass, even though I told them I lived in the street and had to let the dog out. They were very serious and wouldn’t tell me what was going on. Then a BBC news van pulled up and I asked the sound lady what was going on and she told me that earlier in the day, a teenager had hacked into some army systems while he was on a train and MI5 had tracked him down to a house in my street.
Eventually the police let me through and I followed the BBC news crew to a house where they interviewed these two students.
I don’t think they’ve broadcast the interview because of some official secrets thing.

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