Thursday, 23 June 2011

Nanoparticle infections of 'Cloud' a near-reality very soon @NathanMcGrathSF

The possibility of nanoparticles that function within the brain and nervous system are already being worked on.
When you are reading about the way the nanoparticles and other technologies in ‘Cloud’ remember that it’s not purely fictional.
I did my research to make sure the important elements of the story had a grounding in the possible, not the fantastic.
So, enjoy the book. I hope it inspires you to dig around in the web and discover for yourself the fascinating and sometimes frightening technologies being experimented and worked on across the world.
The key phrase that stuck in my mind was when he said; ‘We’re understanding the software programs that make our bodies run’ - which - manipulating them and coupling this with (already built) molecule sized robots gets you as near as done to the nanoparticles inside Alister.
This video of a TED seminar outlines the incredible acceleration of developments in biology, computing, genetics and nanotechnology.

Research labs are already working on technologies that integrate the latest developments biotechnology, nanotechnology and genetics.
The expediential growth in these technologies - smaller and more powerful computing devices on one hand and the ability to construct biological organisms and manipulate atoms and molecules on the other, have rapidly accelerated the possibilities of producing nanocomputers that have the ability to function in the human body.

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