Sunday, 14 August 2011

Nanoparticles and your Body

An "electronic tattoo" could herald a revolution in the way patients are monitored and provide a breakthrough in computer gaming, say US scientists.
They used the device, which is thinner than a human hair, to monitor the heart and brain,according to a study in the journal Science.
The sensor attaches to human skin just like a temporary tattoo and can move, wrinkle and stretch without breaking.
The device can cope with being stretched and squeezed and includes solar cells which can generate power or absorb energy from electromagnetic radiation. The device is less than 50 micrometres thick. Thinner than the diameter of a human hair.
Within ten years, this device will be so small, it will be suspended in liquid. You'll just need to dip your finger into the liquid for thousands of them to be absorbed through your skin and into your nervous system.

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