This message is an immediate call for a day of action. On January 3rd, the collective is calling upon the citizens of the united states to protest against the new sections in the national defense authorization act that were passed a short while ago. This law will strip away many rights; including, but not limited to, Free speech, Free press, Free access to information, and the right to protest, assemble, and bear arms. This law cannot be changed according to the Feinstein Act.
Sections Ten thirty one and ten thirty two of the national defense authorization act grants unlimited powers to the executive branch of the government to indefinitly detain suspects, even American citizens, without trial. All a person has to do is to commit a belligerent act.
There's the real danger; what is a belligerent act? Is protesting a belligerent act? When is any kind of protest not a belligerent act? Who decides? How will YOU be able to judge whether any kind of protest you want to make - to any authority about their conduct or treatment of yourself or another mistreated citizen is fair and legitimate?
Is being Anonymous a belligerent act?
U.S Citizens sign the petition here
From Wikipedia:
Section 1021 and 1022, controversial to the general public, were perceived as threats to the Bill of Rights and the freedoms of America. They allow for the indefinite military detention of potential terrorists, challenging the general judicial status of "innocent until proven guilty." This most recent addition of the NDAA has critics that say it puts not only civil liberties in danger but also that it is an aggressive but futile attack in the War on Terror. Despite the act passing overwhelmingly, it is viewed by many as a large threat to the privileges of American citizens. Addressed by many major publications negatively, it also received a direct video message from Anonymous in an attempt to expose the chicanery of the act and its potential consequences. [22] [23] In addition, an online petition requesting that President Obama veto the bill was created on the "We The People" section of the White House website. As of December 27, 2011, the petition required 7,730 signatures by December 30th to reach the site's petition threshold. [24]
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